Ars citandi

Polifemo XXI secolo is a journal in history of religions with a secondary emphasis on general and comparative history.
All contributions are examined in a anonym form, that does not allow to identify their author (double blind). Spontaneous contributions (also in response to a call for papers or to a social call) must be sent to the journal with the procedure advertised on the site, that allows to verify the identity of the authors only after the approval of their contribution; the invited papers, the identity of the author is of course known to the director, must comply with all requests in the invitation.
After the preliminary review by the editor, contributions are evaluated by the relevant scientific subcommittee, who decides, also on the basis of external expertise, their approval (unconditional or conditioned to certain revisions), their
referral for a well defined revision or their final rejection.
The opinions, which aim to verify originality of results, strength of documentation
and / or bibliography and methodological rigor of exposure, are collected in parallel by individual members of the subcommittee teaching the same subject, by the leader of each subcommittee and by the chairman of the advisory board, who decides in all controversial cases. When, even with editorial corrections, all conditions imposed for publication are satisfied, the author is officially informed of paper’s acceptance; publication usually takes place within 24
Contributions for publication are submitted as Word files complying with the journal’s ars citandi and using only Unicode characters; submission implies acceptance of the journal’s rules and specifically:
• the submitted texts must be unpublished, may not have been or be in the next 12 months submitted for publication in other journals or collections of essays;
• author’s name must not appear, self-citations should not be recognizable
as such;
• the article is published free of charge, copyright on text and images is transferred to the journal’s owner upon paper’s acceptance;
• after paper’s publication, the author may reprint it in a volume of his, quoting original publication in this journal, but not publish it in internet or in any electronic form;
• any paper not accepted within 12 months is automatically rejected;
• failure to comply with these rules and especially any double submission causes automatic rejection of any subsequent text submitted for publication.
Text must be readable with mere knowledge of the Latin alphabet - expressions in different alphabets should therefore follow their translation or transliteration into Latin characters or be quoted in the footnotes; not European alphabets will usually be transliterated. Images must be sent in a grayscale digital format at a good resolution.

Ars citandi
Follow these examples (and rules listed in Polifemo 8, 2008, 207-210) using journal abbreviations listed in Eutifrone or Année Philologique; distinguish between first quotation
F. Mora, Prosopografia Isiaca. I. Corpus Prosopographicum Religionis Isiacae (EPRO 113), Leiden 1990.
F. Braudel, Civiltà e imperi del mediterraneo nell’età di Filippo II, Paris 1949/1982 Ital. trans. Torino 1953/1986.
F. Mora, Religioni fondate, Archaeus 7, 2003, 37-78 esp. 39.
F. Mora, Nomi teofori e politeismo greco: prospettive di ricerca in G. Sfameni Gasparro (ed.), Agathé Elpis. Studi storico-religiosi in onore di U. Bianchi, Roma 1994, 177-186
and successive quotations
Mora, Prosopografia Isiaca, I 157; Braudel, Civiltà, I 94-96
Mora Archaeus 2003, 47
Mora in Sfameni Gasparro, Agathé Elpis, 179